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7M07103-Technological machinery and equipment

Muratbayev Alibek

Program Manager
  • PhD
  • 360215
  • great_mister@mail.ru
  • Fizkulturnaya 4
  • Code and classification of the field of education: 7M07 - Engineering, manufacturing and construction industries
  • Code and classification of the educational program group: M103 - Mechanics and metalworking
  • Awarded degree / qualification: Master of technical Sciences in the educational program 7M07103 -Technological machines and equipment
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8D07101-Technological machinery and equipment

Кабулов Болат

Program Manager
  • Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor
  • +77088526672
  • bolatkabylov@mail.ru
  • Code and classification of the field of education: 8D07 - Engineering, manufacturing and construction industries
  • Code and classification of the educational program group: D103 - Engineering and Manufacturing Industries
  • Awarded degree / qualification: Doctor of Philosophy PhD in the educational program 8D07101 Technological machines and equipment
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6B07105-Technological Machine and Equipment

Tussipov Nurlan

Program Manager
  • Master of technical sciences
  • 36-02-15
  • tno68@mail.ru
  • Fizkulturnaya St., 4
  • Code and classification of the field of education: 6B07 - Engineering, manufacturing and construction industries
  • Code and classification of the educational program group: B064 - Mechanics and metal working
  • Awarded degree / qualification: bachelor of engineering and technology in the educational program 6B07105 Technological machines and equipment
  • Atameken rating: 2022 year - 13th place 2023 year - 17th place
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