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Educational programs
8D07101 - Technological machinery and equipment
The group of educational programs D103 Engineering and Manufacturing Industries is included in the field of education 8D07 Engineering, Manufacturing and Construction Industries

This program was developed for the doctoral program OP 8D07101 Technological machines and equipment, Faculty of Further Education, Department of Technological Equipment and Mechanical Engineering, taking into account the needs of the regional labor market, the requirements of regulatory documents of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan and is a system of documents for the organization of the educational process. The educational program 8D07101 Technological machines and equipment for the preparation of a Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) has a scientific and pedagogical orientation and assumes fundamental educational, methodological and research training and in-depth study of disciplines in the relevant fields of sciences for the system of higher and postgraduate education and the scientific sphere. The introduction of a modular system for the organization of the educational process imposes special requirements on the preparation of curricula of academic disciplines, their structure and content. The curriculum of the discipline is being developed
The main criterion for the completion of the educational process for the preparation of specialty 8D07101 "Technological machines and equipment" is the development of students at least 45 credits of theoretical training, as well as at least 10 credits of pedagogical practice, 10 credits of research practice, 123 credits of research work, at least 12 credits for writing and defending a doctoral dissertation. A total of 180 credits.
3 years.
Preparation of competitive specialists for work in the field of technological machines and equipment of the food and meat and dairy industry, able to quickly adapt to the rapidly changing socio-economic conditions, as well as meeting the needs of the individual in a comprehensive professional and intellectual development.
Qualification characteristics of a graduate
  • Awarded degree / qualification
    Doctor of Philosophy PhD in the educational program 8D07101 Technological machines and equipment
  • Name of the profession / list of positions of a specialist
    - teacher at Universities and colleges; -head of the laboratory of food enterprises of various forms of ownership; - research associate; - researcher in research institutes and Universities; - specialist in the centers of standardization and certification.
  • OQF qualification level (industry qualification framework)
  • Area of professional activity
    all branches of industry, including the military-industrial complex, as well as design and research support for the development of technological processes and production of food products, design and research organizations, as well as firms of various forms of ownership, higher and secondary specialized institutions.
  • Object of professional activity
    during scientific and pedagogical training: - universities and other educational institutions, research institutes, enterprises of various types that provide services for the maintenance and repair of technological machines and equipment, enterprises that certify food products.
  • Types of professional activity
    Graduates of the doctoral program OP 8D07101 Technological machines and equipment can perform the following types of professional activities, with scientific and pedagogical training: - researcher, researcher, teacher in educational organizations.
Map of training modules for developing competencies
Modern aspects of the development of science and practice in the field of technological machines and equipment

Learning outcomes for the module:

* Evaluates modern aspects of the development of science and practice in the field of technological machines and equipment * Broadcasts educational information, independently extracts knowledge * Joins the system of social values * Applies the theory and technique of scientific experiment, understands the connection of the theory and technique of scientific experiment with other sciences, has the ability to manage technical activities and skills in using the theory and technique of scientific experiment. * Plans, simulates the preparation and correctly conducts a scientific experiment, processes the obtained experimental data. * Analyzes modern aspects of the development of science and practice in the field of technological machines and equipment, owns methods and methods of research in the field of technological machines and equipment. * Demonstrates basic and general knowledge about the organization of an integral technological process, the ability to manage technical activities, skills in choosing methods, forms and technologies for food production.

Organization of experiments and processing of the obtained data

Learning outcomes for the module:

* Demonstrates basic and general knowledge about the organization of an integral technological process, the ability to manage technical activities, skills in choosing methods and forms of hydro-mechanical processes for food processing. * Applies the theory and technique of scientific experiment; understands the connection of the theory and technique of scientific experiment with other sciences, the ability to manage technical activities, skills in using the theory and technique of scientific experiment.