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Educational programs
6B07105 - Technological Machine and Equipment
The group of educational programs В064 Mechanics and metal working is included in the field of education 6B07 Engineering, manufacturing and construction industries.

2022 year - 13th place 2023 year - 17th place Educational program 6b07105 Technological machines and equipment was developed by the Department of "Technological equipment and mechanical engineering" of the faculty of Engineering and technology of the University named after Shakarim Semey. Currently, the Department of "Technological equipment and mechanical engineering" under the educational program "Technological machines and equipment"provides training at three levels of study: bachelor's, master's and PhD. Taking into account the scientific and pedagogical potential and material and technical base, the Department of Technological equipment and mechanical engineering is one of the basic departments for training specialists for the food and processing industries of the Republic. The educational program contains a description of the purpose, qualification characteristics of the graduate, including areas, objects, subjects and types of professional activity, a list of qualifications and positions, the content of the OP with the indication of the results of training and competencies of the graduate, the volume of credits mastered by modules. The educational program provides for the education of a student with special educational needs in the conditions of a higher educational institution, as well as his socialization and integration into society.
The main criterion for the completion of the educational process for the preparation of bachelors is the mastering by students of at least 205 credits of theoretical training, as well as at least 27 credits of practical training, 8 credits of final certification. A total of 240 credits.
4 years.
Preparation of competitive specialists for work in the field of technological machines and equipment of the food and meat and dairy industry, able to quickly adapt to the rapidly changing socio-economic conditions, as well as meeting the needs of the individual in a comprehensive professional and intellectual development
Qualification characteristics of a graduate
  • Awarded degree / qualification
    bachelor of engineering and technology in the educational program 6B07105 Technological machines and equipment
  • Name of the profession / list of positions of a specialist
    designer; technologist; mechanic of technological machines and equipment (by industry) without any requirements for work experience
  • OQF qualification level (industry qualification framework)
  • Area of professional activity
    organizations, food industry enterprises, state management bodies, design and research organizations, firms of various forms of ownership
  • Object of professional activity
    technological machines and equipment; machine drive systems; construction and operational materials; equipment for operation, maintenance and repair of technological machines; the equipment for automation of working processes of the machines; machine design equipment
  • Types of professional activity
    Production and technological activities: organization of workplaces, their technical equipment, placement of technological equipment and maintenance of technological equipment. Service and maintenance activities: configuration and maintenance of technological machines and equipment; checking the technical condition and remaining life of technological machines and equipment, organizing a system of preventive inspections and scheduled preventive repairs. Organizational and management activities: preparation of technical documentation (work schedules, instructions, plans, estimates, requests for materials, equipment, etc.), as well as established reports on approved forms; organization of work of small groups of performers. Installation and adjustment activities: adjustment, adjustment, adjustment and pilot testing of technological machines and equipment; installation, commissioning, testing and operation of technological machines and equipment. Settlement and project activities: calculation and design of parts and assemblies in accordance with the terms of reference using standard design automation tools; development of design and working documentation, registration of completed design work. Experimental research activities: study of scientific and technical information, domestic and foreign experience on the subject of research; preparation of a report on the completed task, participation in the implementation of research and development results.
Map of training modules for developing competencies
Socio-cultural, environmental, legal and economic knowledge

Learning outcomes for the module:

Demonstrate socio-cultural, environmental, legal and economic knowledge that contributes to working in a team, tolerantly perceiving social, ethnic, confessional and cultural differences

Communication skills and abilities

Learning outcomes for the module:

Possess communication skills and abilities

Natural science disciplines for mastering technological processes

Learning outcomes for the module:

Apply the basic laws of natural sciences to master technological processes in food production

Development of design documentation

Learning outcomes for the module:

Develop design documentation

Design of mechanical systems

Learning outcomes for the module:

Apply standard methods of designing mechanical systems taking into account their operating conditions

Calculation of hydraulic systems, water and heat supply systems

Learning outcomes for the module:

To calculate hydraulic systems, water and heat supply systems

Installation, operation and repair of technological machines and equipment

Learning outcomes for the module:

Produce installation, operation and repair of technological machines and equipment

Technological equipment of enterprises

Learning outcomes for the module:

Modify technological equipment of enterprises

Development of projects of workshops and sites of industrial enterprises

Learning outcomes for the module:

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