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Jumazhanova Madina

Program Manager
  • Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
  • 87222361402
  • madina.omarova.89@mail.ru
  • Fizkulturnaya 4
  • Code and classification of the field of education: 6B05 - Natural Sciences, Mathematics and Statistics
  • Code and classification of the educational program group: B050 - Biological and related sciences
  • Awarded degree / qualification: Bachelor of Natural Science on the educational program 6В05102 Biotechnology
  • Atameken rating: 2022 year - 11th place 2023 year - 12th place
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Mirasheva Gulmira

Program Manager
  • Candidate of Technical Sciences, associate professor
  • 8 777 709 04 13
  • gulmira_mir@mail.ru
  • Fizkulturnaya 4 st.
  • Code and classification of the field of education: 7M05 - Natural Sciences, Mathematics and Statistics
  • Code and classification of the educational program group: M080 - Biology
  • Awarded degree / qualification: Master of Science in the educational program 7M05101-Biology
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Mirasheva Gulmira

Program Manager
  • Candidate of Technical Sciences, associate professor
  • 8 777 709 04 13
  • gulmira_mir@mail.ru
  • Fizkulturnaya 4 st.
  • Code and classification of the field of education: 7M05 - Natural Sciences, Mathematics and Statistics
  • Code and classification of the educational program group: M082 - Biotechnology
  • Awarded degree / qualification: Master of Natural Sciences in the educational program 7M05102 - Biotechnology
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7M07501-Standardization and Certification (by industry)

Toleubekova Sandugash

Program Manager
  • candidate of technical sciences, associate professor
  • +77470121424
  • saltosha-sandu@mail.ru
  • Fizkulturnaya 4
  • Code and classification of the field of education: 7M07 - Engineering, manufacturing and construction industries
  • Code and classification of the educational program group: M130 - Standardization, certification and metrology (by industry)
  • Awarded degree / qualification: Master of Technical Sciences in the educational program 7M07501
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