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Educational programs
6B05102 - Biotechnology
The group of educational programs В050 Biological and related sciences is included in the field of education 6В05 Natural sciences, mathematics and statistics.

2022 year - 11th place 2023 year - 12th place The educational program 6В05102 “Biotechnology”, implemented by the Shakarim University of Semey, Faculty of Engineering and Technology, Department of "Biotechnology and standardization " for the group of educational programs 6В050 “Biological and related sciences” - was developed taking into account the needs of the regional labor market. The educational program regulates the objectives, expected results, content, conditions and technologies for the implementation of the educational process, assessment of the quality of graduate training in this area of training and contains characteristics of the program and direc-tions of the graduate’s professional activities, learning outcomes and acquired competencies, or-ganization of the educational process, -pechivuyu quality training students. The educational program provides for the education of a student with special educational needs in the conditions of a higher educational institution, as well as his socialization and integration into society.
The main criterion for the completion of the educational process for the preparation of bachelors is the mastering by students of at least 205 credits of theoretical training, as well as at least 27 credits of practical training, 8 credits of final certification. A total of 240 credits.
4 years.
Preparation of competitive specialists in the labor market for the implementation of biotechnological processes with biological objects of microbial, plant, animal origin for the purpose of its use in food and processing production
Qualification characteristics of a graduate
  • Awarded degree / qualification
    Bachelor of Natural Science on the educational program 6В05102 Biotechnology
  • Name of the profession / list of positions of a specialist
    - the engineer-technologist (technologist); - quality engineer; - engineer - laboratory assistant; - production Preparation Engineer; - laboratory assistant in production laboratories; - laboratory assistant in research, design, technology, design or-ganizations; - technician-technologist; - technician-laboratory assistant
  • OQF qualification level (industry qualification framework)
  • Area of professional activity
    Processing industry, agriculture
  • Object of professional activity
    - Manufacturing enterprises and laboratories of the food and processing, microbial industry; - Agricultural enterprises; - Breeding stations; - Environmental services and organizations; - Sanitary-epidemiological station; - Laboratories for quality control and product safety.
  • Types of professional activity
    Settlement and design; Organizational and managerial; Production and technology. Service and operational Breeding
Map of training modules for developing competencies
Module 1. Sustainable development of modern civilization

Learning outcomes for the module:

Demonstrates understanding and knowledge of the sus-tainable development of modern civilization, the so-cio-political processes taking place in modern society, the creative heritage of Abai and the Kazakh script, environ-mental safety, legal aspects, the influence of engineering decisions on the social con-text and social environment

Module 2. Language training

Learning outcomes for the module:

Arguments and clearly builds oral and written speech, correctly (logically) forms the results thinking in written and oral form, including in a foreign language

Module 3. Natural Sciences

Learning outcomes for the module:

Uses the basic laws of the natural sciences in profes-sional activities

Module 4. Biotechnology of living systems

Learning outcomes for the module:

Understands the phenomena occurring in living systems and applies objects of bio-technology in biotechnological processes.

Module 5. Organization of biotechnological production

Learning outcomes for the module:

Organizes biotechnological production and manages production processes

Module 6. Designing enterprises of biotechnological production

Learning outcomes for the module:

Performs complex engineer-ing projects of biotechnolog-ical production enterprises

Module 7. Research and protection of intellectual property

Learning outcomes for the module:

Demonstrates the ability to prepare and conduct research using knowledge of fundamental and applied disciplines and the protection of intellectual property