The main criterion for the completion of the educational process for the preparation of masters of the scientific and pedagogical direction is the development of at least 88 credits of theoretical training, including 6 credits of pedagogical practice, 13 credits of research practice, as well as at least 24 credits of research work of a master's student, including internships and the completion of a master's thesis, at least 8 credits of the final attestations . A total of 120 credits.
2 years.
Awarded degree / qualificationMaster of Technical Sciences in the educational program 7M07501
Name of the profession / list of positions of a specialist-junior researcher - process engineer - laboratory engineer - quality engineer - standardization engineer --production preparation engineer - laboratory assistant in production laboratories - laboratory assistant in research, design, technological, design organizations
OQF qualification level (industry qualification framework)7
Area of professional activityTerritorial centers of the Department of Technical Regulation and Metrology; certification centers; accredited testing laboratories; audit and consulting firms; commercial organizations; manufacturing enterprises and laboratories of the processing industry; education and science
Object of professional activityManagement bodies, enterprises, organizations of state and non-state ownership that are directly related to products (services), processes (works), equipment of enterprises and testing laboratories (centers), testing and control, regulatory documentation, standardization, certification and quality management systems, universities and research institutes.
Types of professional activityDevelopment of regulatory documentation; Professional activity in quality departments and services at the enterprise, quality management system department; in patent offices; Work in product conformity assessment bodies; consumer protection organizations; standardization bodies; Work in universities and research institutes
Learning outcomes for the module:
Promotes the formation of sociolinguistic competence and the application of fundamental scientific, pedagogical, managerial, communication knowledge and skills in professional activities.
Learning outcomes for the module:
Ғылыми зерттеудің тәсілдері, әдістері мен амалдарының зерттеу техникасын, сондай-ақ ғылым философиясын, жалпы ғылыми қызметтегі тұжырымдаманы логикалық талдауды көрсетеді
Learning outcomes for the module:
Demonstrates knowledge about current trends in the development of standardization and certification, regulatory documents on state control over compliance with requirements established by technical regulations, standards and other regulatory documents
Learning outcomes for the module:
Demonstrates knowledge of the basic concepts of universal quality management, quality assurance, quality system policy and planning