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Educational programs
7M05101 - Biology
The group of educational programs М080 Biology is included in the field of education 7М05 Natural Sciences, Mathematics and Statistics.

The educational program 7M05101-biology is designed to master in-depth, theoretical and practical knowledge in the field of biology, prepare masters students who have ideas about new directions of modern biology and are able to apply their competencies in scientific, practical and pedagogical fields.
The main criterion for the completion of the educational process for the preparation of masters of the scientific and pedagogical direction is the development of at least 88 credits of theoretical training, including 6 credits of pedagogical practice, 13 credits of research practice, as well as at least 24 credits of research work of a master s student, including internships and the completion of a master s thesis, at least 8 credits of the final attestations .A totalof 120 credits.
2 years
Preparation of masters with fundamental and applied knowledge in the field of biological sciences, research skills for carrying out scientific research, professional and practical, organizational, managerial and pedagogical activities.
Qualification characteristics of a graduate
  • Awarded degree / qualification
    Master of Science in the educational program 7M05101-Biology
  • Name of the profession / list of positions of a specialist
    researcher; specialist of the nature reserve, national park, zoo, biological garden, biological center, Semipalatinsk Forest reserve, etc.; teacher, specialist of the Department of Education.
  • OQF qualification level (industry qualification framework)
  • Area of professional activity
    science; specialist in the nature reserve, national park, zoo, biological garden, biological center, "Semey Ormany", etc.; education, management.
  • Object of professional activity
    research institutes, as well as nature reserves, national parks, zoos, biological gardens, biological centers, etc.; secondary specialized, higher educational institutions of state and non-state profile.
  • Types of professional activity
    research work (researcher, laboratory assistant, researcher, etc.); research work in the field of education and science; educational (teacher of biology in secondary specialized and higher educational institutions of state and non-state profile); management (in education departments, biological centers, nature reserves, national parks, zoos, biological gardens, landscaping organizations, etc.).
Map of training modules for developing competencies
Module 1. Sociolinguistic and scientific-pedagogical activity

Learning outcomes for the module:

Demonstrates knowledge about the essence of philosophical methodology and its role in the professional activity of a scientist, a teacher of higher education, the principles of the organization and functioning of science, the genesis and history of science from the perspective of the formation of its models, images and styles of thinking, the relationship of scientific and philosophical thought and the fundamental basis of the history and philosophy of science

Module No. 2. Organization of scientific research.

Learning outcomes for the module:

Develops an algorithm for organizing research work in biological research.

Module No. 3. Modern problems in biology.

Learning outcomes for the module:

Understanding the basic biological processes in the animal world. Knowledge of modern problems of biology.

Module No. 4.Final assessment

Learning outcomes for the module:

The possibility of conducting intensive research and management of a scientific group; - the opportunity to openly demonstrate their new scientific results. Practical and theoretical training of a biologist to solve the problems of vocational education in accordance with the state educational standards of the Republic of Kazakhstan.