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  • shakarim
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Food technology The year he graduated from the university 1978
Technology of meat and meat products The year he graduated from the university 1979
Technology of milk and dairy products The year he graduated from the university 1990
Technology of meat and meat products The year he graduated from the university 1997
Technology of milk and dairy products The year he graduated from the university 1996
Technology of milk and dairy products The year he graduated from the university 1995
Food technology The year he graduated from the university 2008
Leather and fur technology The year he graduated from the university 2002
Technology of meat and meat products The year he graduated from the university 1981
Technology of meat and meat products The year he graduated from the university 2001
Technology of meat and meat products The year he graduated from the university 1977
Biotechnology The year he graduated from the university 2011
Technology of meat and meat products The year he graduated from the university 1995
Leather and fur technology The year he graduated from the university 2002
Standardization and certification of food products The year he graduated from the university 2000
Technology of meat and meat products The year he graduated from the university 1999