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«Үздік студент Т0Р-100»

2023-05-30 | News

Students of Shakarim University "Best Student T0P-100" who showed high results in the areas of Education, Science, Social Creativity, sports were identified:
Shakrt Tadir Kuanyshuly, Ms-101; 
Kalimtayeva Bota Daurenovna, lop-201;
Toleugazy Darkhan Yerzhanovich, lop-201; Bagdanova Dilnaz Yerzhanovna, lop-201;
Makalova Assel Shalkarovna, lop-201;
Oralbekov Bauyrzhan Talgatovich, Ms-101;
Serikkazina Alina Nurgaziyevna, lop-201;
Islyamova Aruzhan Yerbolovna, lop-201;
Adilet Tursyngaliyev, lop-201;
Farkhadov Islam, MSH-101.
We sincerely congratulate our best students! May your future be bright and successful!
