Окусханова Элеонора Курметовна
- PhD
- 31-48-56
- eleonora-okushan@mail.ru
Преподаваемые дисциплины
Effects of Microbial Transglutaminase on Technological, Rheological, and Microstructural Indicators of Minced Meat with the Addition of Plant Raw Materials
International Journal of Food Science
Lycopene as a natural antioxidant used to prevent human health disorders
Effect of germinated wheat (Triticum Aestivum) on chemical, amino acid and organoleptic properties of meat pate
Potravinarstvo Slovak Journal of Food Sciences
Effects of dietary fiber on human health: A review
Human Sport Medicine
Nutritive value of meat cutlets made with horse meat and poultry by-products
EurAsian Journal of BioSciences
Technology of production, nutritional value and food safety of gluten free bread
International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering
Heavy metals content in meat and milk of orenburg region of Russia
International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research
Technology of Sour Milk Product For Elderly Nutrition
Research Journal of Pharmaceutical, Biological and Chemical Sciences
Development of minced meatball composition for the population from unfavorable ecological regions
Annual Research and Review in Biology
The use of ozone-air mixture for reduction of microbial contamination in grain brewing raw material
Annual Research and Review in Biology
Determination of Cs-137 concentration in some environmental samples around the Semipalatinsk nuclear test site in the Republic of Kazakhstan
Annual Research and Review in Biology
Nutritive and biological value of mare’s Milk ice cream
Pakistan Journal of Nutrition
Comparative analysis of red and white Turkey meat quality
Pakistan Journal of Nutrition
Study of morphology, chemical, and amino acid composition of red deer meat
Veterinary World
Change of Yield Stress of Minced Meat Grinded with Different Kind of Cutting Mechanism
Research Journal of Pharmaceutical, Biological and Chemical Sciences
Mineral composition of deer meat pate
Pakistan Journal of Nutrition
Trace and Toxic Elements in Meat of Maral (Red Deer) Grazing in Kazakhstan
Research Journal of Pharmaceutical, Biological and Chemical Sciences
Повышение квалификации
Цифровые технологии в образовательном процессе дистанционного обучения
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Московский государственный университет технологии и управления им. К.Г. Разумовского
05.11.2019 - 19.11.2019. Москва
Цифровизация образовательной среды
Магнитогорский государственный технический университет им. Г.И. Носова
15.07.2019 - 24.07.2019. Магнитогорск
Дизайн куррикулума
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11.07.2019 - 12.07.2019. Нур-Султан
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Научно-производственная компания ПРОГРЕССИЯ
09.11.2015 - 14.11.2015. Челябинск