Mirasheva Gulmira
- Candidate of Technical Sciences, associate professor
- 8 777 709 04 13
- gulmira_mir@mail.ru
Subjects taught
- Modern problems of evolution
- CAD Designing of the enterprises biotechnological production
- Molecular genetic basis of biotechnology
- Modeling and optimization of technological processes and the composition of foods
- Biotechnology of plants and animals
- Actual problems of genetics
- Cell Biology
- Proteomics
- Doctoral student research work, including internship and doctoral dissertation IV
- Modern methods in biotechnology
- The research work of a student, including an internship and the implementation of a master s thesis I
Перспективы применения технологии layer-by-layer для разработки ферментного биосенсора используемого для контроля качества молока
Вестник Алматинского технологического университета
Advancements in nano bio sensors for food quality and safety assurance – a review
Potravinarstvo Slovak Journal of Food Sciences
Studying the concentration of xenobiotics in milk and developing the biosensor method for their rapid determination
Современные методы определения ксенобиотиков
Издательский дом "Интеллект"
The effect of technological parameters on functional, technological and physicochemical indicators of horse meat minces with added chicken combs
Potravinarstvo Slovak Journal of Food Sciences
Study on the detection of antibiotics in food based on enzyme-free labelless aptamer sensor
Food Science and Technology
Acetylcholinesterase Immobilized on Glass Rod for Organophosphorus Pesticides Detection: Application on Milk Analysis
International Journal on Advanced Science, Engineering and Information Technology
Heavy metals analysis, GCMS-QP quantification of flavonoids amino acids and saponins, analysis of tannins andorganoleptic properties of powder and tincture of Echinacea Purpurea (L.) and rhaponticum carthamoides
Slovak Journal of Food Sciences, vol. 15, 2021
Encapsulation of biologically active additives and their use in food production
Издательский дом "Интеллект"
Получение вирусоподобных частиц для со-здания эпитопных вакцин
Научный журнал «Вестник ГУ им. Шакарима г.Семей
Food safety control of halloumi type cheese production
EurAsian Journal of BioSciences
Technology of Sour Milk Product For Elderly Nutrition
Research Journal of Pharmaceutical, Biological and Chemical Sciences
Specific activity of Cs-137 in milk of Semey region of East Kazakhstan area
Annual Research and Review in Biology
Trace and Toxic Elements Concentration in Milk Before and After Zeolite Sorbent Filtration
Research Journal of Pharmaceutical, Biological and Chemical Sciences
Современные технологии анализа биологических образцов
ООО "Кайджен Рус"
27.01.2023 - 27.01.2023. Москва
Менеджмент в образовании
Восточно-Казахстанский университет имени С.Аманжолова
14.11.2022 - 25.11.2022. Усть-Каменогорск
Технологии пищевых и перерабатывающих производств
Казахский агротехнический университет имени С.Сейфуллина
26.10.2020 - 07.11.2020. г.Нур-Султан
Цифровые технологии в образовательном процессе дистанционного обучение
Государственный университет имени Шакарима г. Семей
13.07.2020 - 21.07.2020. г. Семей
КазНУ имени аль-Фараби
25.04.2016 - 06.05.2016. г.Алматы
тренинг-семинар "Modern trends in the development of Biotechnology and Pharmacy"
ГУ имени Шакарима
15.09.2014 - 25.09.2014. г.Семей