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Educational programs
7M07201 - Technology of food products (by application)
The group of educational programs М111 Food production is included in the field of education 7М07 Engineering, Manufacturing and Construction Industries.

The educational program 7M07201 "Technology of food products" implemented by the Shakarim University of Semey of the Faculty of Engineering and Technology of the Department "Technology of food Production and Biotechnology" in the group of educational programs M111 - "Food production" - was developed taking into account the needs of the regional labor market. The educational program regulates the goals, expected results, content, conditions and technologies for the implementation of the educational process, assessment of the quality of graduate training in this area of training and contains characteristics of the program and areas of professional activity of the graduate, learning outcomes and acquired competencies, the organization of the educational process that ensures the quality of training of students.
The main criterion for the completion of the educational process for the preparation of masters of the scientific and pedagogical direction is the development of at least 88 credits of theoretical training, including 6 credits of pedagogical practice, 13 credits of research practice, as well as at least 24 credits of research work of a master s student, including internships and the completion of a master's thesis, at least 8 credits of the final attestations . A total of 120 credits.
2 years
Training of competitive specialists with skills in organizational and managerial, scientific and design activities in the field of food technology using theoretical, practice-oriented and scientific-educational approaches
Qualification characteristics of a graduate
  • Awarded degree / qualification
    Master of Technical Sciences in the educational program 7M07201 - Technology of food products (by application)
  • Name of the profession / list of positions of a specialist
    May occupy primary positions: in scientific and pedagogical training - in research institutions, universities and colleges: laboratory head, leading specialist, researcher, teacher, production technologist, manager and specialist in the administrative apparatus of food production enterprises
  • OQF qualification level (industry qualification framework)
  • Area of professional activity
    Master of Technical Sciences in the educational program 7M07201 "Technology of food products" can work as: in scientific and pedagogical training - in research institutions, universities and colleges: head of a laboratory, leading specialist, researcher, teacher, specialist a production technologist, a manager and a specialist in the administrative apparatus of food production enterprises.
  • Object of professional activity
    The objects of professional activity of graduates of the magistracy in the scientific and pedagogical direction are universities, colleges; gymnasium; research institutes; research and production, agricultural, design, expert, administrative institutions; enterprises of the food and processing industry; branch laboratories, subdivisions, sections, sectors, departments under local, regional and republican management structures, control and analytical service institutions, standardization and certification centers, etc.
  • Types of professional activity
    Graduates of the Master s degree in the educational program 7M07201 "Technology food products" can perform the following types of professional activities: with scientific and pedagogical training: - conduct scientific and experimental research, carry out design and survey work, scientific and organizational activities at food production enterprises; - to carry out scientific and pedagogical activities in universities, colleges and other educational institutions of the education system; - methodical, working as methodologists in education departments. A master s student who has completed a specialized master s degree can engage in scientific and pedagogical activities only if he has mastered a cycle of disciplines of a pedagogical profile and has passed pedagogical practice. This cycle is mastered during an additional academic period, at the end of which he is issued a corresponding certificate to the main one diploma.
Map of training modules for developing competencies
Sociolinguistic and scientific-pedagogical activity

Learning outcomes for the module:

Demonstrates the ability to solve worldview, sociolinguistic and philosophical problems in educational and professional activities. Demonstrates the ability to solve the problems of higher pedagogical education and the prospects for its further development. Manages multicultural teams, applying modern approaches to motivation, communication in crisis situations, control and integrated quality management.

Technology of food production

Learning outcomes for the module:

Able to use scientific and methodological approaches in the development and improvement of technology for the production of food products using modern progressive techniques in the field of food products. Able to develop and improve technological processes for the production of food products of plant and animal origin. Able to develop measures to improve the technological processes of food production.

Microstructural analysis, modeling and food quality control

Learning outcomes for the module:

Able to design and carry out comprehensive research to analyze the quality characteristics of food products; applies methodological foundations of laboratory research using modern equipment and computing systems. Able to carry out technological quality control of finished products. Able to process current production information, analyze the received data and use it in product quality management. Apply professional knowledge and skills in the implementation of innovation policy objectives.