The main criterion for the completion of the educational process for the preparation of bachelors is the mastering by students of at least 205 credits of theoretical training, as well as at least 27 credits of practical training,8 credits of final certification. A total of 240 credits.
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Awarded degree / qualificationBachelor of engineering and technology in the educational program
Name of the profession / list of positions of a specialist- Technologist - Technician-technologist of the production laboratory - Technologist calculator - Shop foreman - Technician-laboratory assistant of the production laboratory - Specialist in research laboratories - Laboratory assistant in educational institutions - Specialist of design organizations - Methodist in education departments
OQF qualification level (industry qualification framework)6
Area of professional activityThe area of professional activity of the bachelor is the food industry, ensuring the development of technological processes and production of food products, design and research organizations, as well as companies of various forms of ownership.
Object of professional activity- Meat factories - Sausage shops - Fish canning factories - Dumplings shops - Dairy factories - Confectionery shops - Catering establishments (canteens, cafes, restaurants) - Laboratories for food production and veterinary and sanitary control; - Scientific research institutes and laboratories - Design organizations - Educational establishments
Types of professional activity- organization of technological processes; improvement of technological operations and participation in the development of resource-saving technological processes; analysis of technical equipment and production activities of enterprises, taking into account the requirements of ecology, labor protection, fire explosion safety and industrial sanitation; - organization of work of labor collectives, management decisions; analysis of technical and economic indicators of enterprises and marketing activities; performance of work on standardization and certification of food products; - development and design of technological schemes for food industry enterprises and public catering enterprises; reconstruction of existing food industry and public catering enterprises; - study and analysis of scientific and technical information, domestic and foreign experience in the food industry; - work in the field of education.
Learning outcomes for the module:
This module reveals such aspects as: socio-cultural, economic-legal, environmental knowledge, communication skills, the use of information technology taking into account modern trends in the development of society.
Learning outcomes for the module:
The module is aimed at obtaining key competencies that contribute to obtaining natural science literacy. The module contributes to the construction of knowledge aimed at the formation of basic logical, research actions, the ability to work with information. The purpose of the module is to form an active civic position among the student on issues related to the development of natural sciences and the application of achievements. As a result of learning the module, the student will be able to scientifically explain phenomena, will understand the features of natural science research, will be able to scientifically interpret data and use evidence to draw conclusions.
Learning outcomes for the module:
The module will facilitate the application of fundamental knowledge (mathematical, natural sciences, engineering and economics) to identify, formulate and solve problems in professional activities. The module will facilitate the use by students of effective methods of working with information using modern information and communication technologies, planning and conducting experimental and industrial tests, reading technical documents, the ability to recognize drawings, diagrams. The module will provide an opportunity to study domestic and foreign experience in the field of food engineering.
Learning outcomes for the module:
The module is aimed at obtaining knowledge on the classification of food raw materials used in various branches of the food industry, on the scientific foundations of technological processes in the food industry, technologies for obtaining basic types of products by branches of the food and processing industry, storage conditions of raw materials and finished products, assessment of their quality, application of new, most advanced methods of processing raw materials will be considered. The module is aimed at studying food technology - the science of converting raw materials (raw materials) into products of production necessary for society, with the lowest labor, raw materials and energy costs per unit of production due to increased labor productivity for given conditions and time.
Learning outcomes for the module:
The module is designed to form a professional position of students in the field of production of high-quality and safe food products. The module contributes to the formation of knowledge, skills and practical skills necessary for production, technological and research activities, quality control and safety of raw materials and finished products, as well as factors ensuring the production of high-quality and safe products. Students will acquire knowledge on the quality indicators of agricultural products, the requirements of the regulatory framework for the quality of agricultural raw materials and products of its processing.
Learning outcomes for the module:
The module is aimed at studying the organization and management of the technological process at enterprises, improving and improving the efficiency of technological processes to increase the yield and quality of finished products, calculating technical and economic indicators of food production enterprises, ensuring the production of high-quality, competitive products that meet the requirements of standards. After completing the module, the student will demonstrate knowledge and understanding in the field of food technology, solve problems in the field of food technology; interpret information in the field of food technology to form ethical and scientific considerations.
Learning outcomes for the module:
The module is aimed at studying the management activities of enterprises, the design of food industry enterprises, and the organization of production of economic activities. The module contributes to the formation of skills in carrying out technological calculations related to the selection of equipment and the design of food processing lines; in the use of regulatory documents for the design of technological lines of food production; for timely and reliable reflection of operations for the acceptance of raw materials, its consumption of finished products, systematic control over the consumption of raw materials, compliance with established norms of consumption of raw materials, materials. Upon completion of its study, the module helps students to develop organizational and economic measures aimed at developing the economic potential of the enterprise, increasing its efficiency and strengthening competitiveness.