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A 2nd year doctoral student is conducting research to improve a new plant for the purification of liquid foodstuffs

2025-02-20 | Science

Doctoral student of the 2nd year of Shakarim University of Semey city on educational programme 8D07101 - ‘Technological machines and equipment’ Bazanova Arai Kairatovna conducts new research on improvement of the installation for reduction of radionuclides and salts of heavy metals in liquid food products by adsorption method.

The theme of the thesis work of the doctoral student of the group DTO-301.1 Bazanova A. is called ‘Improvement of the installation for reducing the content of radionuclides and salts of heavy metals in liquid food products by adsorption method’. During the educational process Arai Kairatovna drew an experimental scheme of the improved installation and created an installation on the stand, on which the adsorption process takes place with the help of polypropylene pipes.

The novelty of the work is that as a result of three adsorption columns orientated parallel to each other, the liquid food product, including cow's milk, is purified from harmful substances. Three different sorbents of different sizes will be stacked inside the adsorption columns.

Today, the researcher is studying the effective parameters, namely the time of the process, the amount of sorbent and the type of effective column.

The results of this study are expected to contribute to the improvement of liquid food safety and public health.
