Mentor's hour in the PI-2401 group on the topic “Negative influence of fake information”
During the curatorial hour in the PI-2401 group there was a discussion of the current problem of modern society - the spread of fake news and its negative impact.
The students actively participated in the discussion, discussing such questions as:
- What is fake news? The students came to the conclusion that fake news is false information that is spread intentionally to manipulate public opinion.
- How to recognize fake news? The curator together with the students made a list of signs of fake news: lack of reliable sources, emotional coloring, provocative headlines, distortion of facts.
- What are the consequences of spreading fake news? The panelists noted that fake news can lead to social conflicts, political instability, and damage the reputation of individuals and organizations.
At the end of the curatorial hour, the curator, Marzhan Meyrambekkyzy, invited the trainees to become active participants in the fight against fake news. The trainees decided to create an information chat room in the group, where they would post materials on how to recognize fake news and where to look for reliable information.