The grand opening of the academic auditorium named after the outstanding scientist, Professor M.B. Smirnov.
On June 2, 2023, on the day of the celebration of the 60th anniversary of personnel training for the food industry, the Faculty of Engineering and Technology held a grand opening of the classroom named after the outstanding scientist, Professor M.B. Smirnov.
Smirnov M.B. was born on September 14, 1948 in the city of Semipalatinsk.
He started his career as a design engineer at the Semipalatinsk Experimental Mechanical Plant.
All his scientific and pedagogical activity was connected with the training of specialists for the food industry. Under his leadership, dissertations for the degrees of candidates of sciences and master's degrees were carried out and successfully defended.
From 1972 until the last days of his life he worked in the education system.
The opening ceremony of the named audience was attended by colleagues, students, friends, relatives of the scientist, representatives of the teaching staff and students of the Faculty of Engineering and Technology and other faculties of the University.
After the solemn ceremony of cutting the red ribbon by Professors Kakimov A.K., Yerengaliev A.E. and Parimbekov Z.A., the guests present plunged into the world of memories, viewing the prepared audience of Hydraulics.
There were speeches by leading scientists: Professors B.A. Yerdembekov and K.Zh. Amirkhanov.
At the end of the ceremony, the guests got acquainted with unique stands containing key formulas and plots.
The opening of named classrooms in universities is very important and significant, and above all, for students. Preserving the memory of the path and achievements of great scientists and creators should help in the formation of future generations.
We express our great gratitude for providing comprehensive assistance in creating a named audience of M.B.Smirnov to the University, B.A. Yerdembekov, the designer of the university, the head of the sewing workshop and graduates of the past years of our faculty!
Also, we would like to thank our partners-employers SemAZ LLP, Semey Engineering JSC for their assistance in the event and providing equipment for the exhibition.