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The rating of universities of the NCE "Atameken-2023"!

2024-02-05 | Congratulation

The results of the rating of educational programs of Kazakhstani universities in 2023 of the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Atameken" have been summed up.
According to the results of the rating, the OP "6b05201 - Ecology" entered the top three in the country. Climbing to the top of the Atameken rating confirms that we are moving in the right direction.
The results of the rating confirm not only the high academic reputation of the university, but also the decent level of specialists in demand in the labor market.
The teaching staff of the Department of Chemical Technology and Ecology is constantly working to improve their educational programs and improve the quality of education. The university management, the entire teaching staff, and students
are heartily congratulated on the achievements in the implementation of educational programs.
