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Bolashak International Scholarship!

2023-12-21 | News

On December 21, 2023, a round table was held at the Department of Chemical Technology and Ecology on the topic "30 years since the signing of the order on the establishment of the international scholarship of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Bolashak" (1993)". The Bolashak International Scholarship, established on November 5, 1993, has become one of the most important strategic projects of sovereign Kazakhstan. Bolashak is recognized as the best model of human capital development among 11 similar scholarships in the world due to a wide range of study programs, training areas and geography of universities.
The round table was attended by faculty and doctoral students of the department. The reports "The history of the development of the Bolashak program" (speaker associate professor Kasymova Zh.S.), "Requirements for applicants and stages of submission of documents" (speaker PhD Nurgaliev N.N.), "Directions, specialties and universities for academic study and internships" (1st year doctoral student Kazhygeldieva L.K.) were heard and discussed The
participants of the round table agreed that the Bolashak International Scholarship contributes to the creation of personnel with advanced knowledge and competencies in the country.
