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Mutually beneficial cooperation with the State Administration "Kazselezashchita"

2023-09-28 | News

On September 28, the 2nd year students of ЕP 6B11201 - ”Life safety and environmental protection“ were given a lecture and distributed information brochures about the activities of the branch ”Abai Territorial Operational Management" State Administration "Kazselezashchita" Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Kazakhstan. On the basis of mutually beneficial cooperation between universities and enterprises within the framework of university practices, students of this specialty undergo practical training in the branch. To date, the branch employs 3 dispatchers who have graduated from the educational program 6B11201-“life safety and environmental protection". We believe that the organization of such events will increase the interest of future young professionals to work in the field of emergency situations. The lecture was attended by the head of the institution Toishybaev Askhat Abylkhasymovich.




