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Summer School-2023 "Improvement of professional competencies of Shakarim University teaching staff"

2023-08-22 | News

On August 22, 2023, as part of the Summer School-2023 "Improving the professional competencies of Shakarim University teaching staff", a master class of Associate Professor L.V. Skripnikova was held at the Department of Chemical Technology and Ecology on the topic "On the organization and methodological support of professional practice of students of ЕP 6B11201-Life safety and environmental protection".
During the presentation, the following were discussed: the main provisions on professional practice (P 042-1.01-2022), organizational measures, methodological support of professional practice, as well as personal experience of conducting pre-graduate practice in the 2022-2023 academic year (23.01.-07.05.2023) on the example of students of ЕP 6B11201-Life safety and environmental protection, gr. LS-902.


