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Seminar "Innovative technologies in the educational process: practice and result"

2023-04-27 | News

On April 27, 2023, a seminar on "Innovative technologies in the educational process: practice and result" was held at the Department of Chemical Technology and Ecology, organized for teaching staff, doctoral students and undergraduates. PhD, Associate Professor Kassymova Zh.S. made a report to the audience, who noted that the use of innovative methods in professionally-oriented training is a prerequisite for motivated, creative training of highly qualified specialists. The teaching staff of the department uses a variety of methods and techniques of active training in the disciplines of ЕP 6B05301, 7M05301, 8D05301-"Chemistry", 6B05201-"Ecology", 6B11201 - "Life safety and environmental protection", 6B07107-"Chemical technology of inorganic substances and materials" to give lectures, conduct LPZ and organize SRO and SROP: visualization lecture, problem lecture, brainstorming, case study, scientific search experiment, test in Google form, writing scientific reviews and experimental articles, making model layouts, etc.
