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Report on the internship of doctoral students

2023-05-15 | Science

At the Department " Chemical technology and ecology " the report on the internship of doctoral students of the EP «8D05301 Chemistry» was heard.
From March 20 to April 20, 2023, doctoral students of the EP «8D05301-Chemistry» Gaisina B., Aripzhanova Z., Kobegenova A. completed an internship at the Faculty of Chemistry at the University of Helsinki, Republic of Finland. During the internship, doctoral students listened to lectures by Professor V.Aseev. He got acquainted with the University's Scientific Library and chemical laboratories.
Doctoral student Gaisina B. on the topic of her doctoral dissertation determined the thermal properties of cryostructures based on interpolelectrolyte complexes (chitosan - Na SC, chitosan-Na alginate, chitosan-gellan) on the DSC Q-2000 diferential scanning calorimeter device and obtained the necessary data for the dissertation as a result of the study.
Doctoral student Aripzhanova Z.  synthesized a new effective repeatedly regenerated sorbent of Cu2+ and Sr2+ ions of cryogels and hydrogels based on natural and synthetic polymers, in particular Gelan and acrylamide. During the scientific internship, the physico-chemical properties of synthesized hydrogels and cryogels were studied, in particular, IR spectroscopy and thermoscopy.
Doctoral student Kobegenova A.  development of technology for fixing soils on slopes based on interpolelectrolyte complexes in accordance with the plan of the topic of the doctoral dissertation, chitosan – Na SC, chitosan-Na alginate, chitosan-gellan complexes and soil connections were determined on the DSC Q-2000 diferential scanning calorimeter device, as a result of the study, the necessary data for the dissertation were obtained.



