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Internal academic mobility!

2022-04-07 | News

According to the program of internal academic mobility of the teaching staff in the 2nd semester of the 2021-2022 academic year, associate professor of the Department of Chemical Technology and Ecology, candidate of chemical sciences Artamonova E.N. conducts lectures online on the discipline "General Ecology" for students of educational programs 6B05201 - "Ecology", 6B11201 – "Life safety and environmental protection" of the Amanzholov East Kazakhstan University. In order to improve the quality of education, ensure the competitiveness of students in the domestic labor market and strengthen integration ties, associate professor of the Department of Ecology and Geography of the Amanzholov East Kazakhstan University, candidate of biological sciences, professor of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences Tsyganov A.P. lectures on the discipline "Conservation in the Republic of Kazakhstan" for 2nd-year ecologists students our department.
