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Day of the Rescuer in Kazakhstan!

2022-10-19 | News

A curatorial hour dedicated to the professional holiday of rescuers of the Republic of Kazakhstan was held at the Department of Chemical Technology and Ecology of the Faculty of Engineering and Technology in the groups Bzh-902 (adviser Skripnikova L.V.) and EL-902 (adviser Artamonova E.N.). The presentation "Day of the Rescuer in Kazakhstan" was made by students of the educational program 6B11201 "Life safety and environmental protection" - Omarbekov Adil, Amanzholova Ramina, Beisenova Janel, Bobko Vladislav and Omarbekov Bekzhan.
During the curatorial hour, the history of the formation of the holiday and the organizational structure of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Kazakhstan were studied, the important role of the modern profession was considered – a lifeguard who, in extreme conditions, risking his life, honorably performs the duties assigned to him during natural and man-made disasters, in everyday critical situations, saving thousands of lives, protecting material values and natural resources of the country in conditions of various dangers and threats.
