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2023-02-02 | Science

A key role in the training of highly qualified specialists capable of solving scientific and practical tasks is the research work of a doctoral student as part of the main educational programs for the preparation of a PhD doctor. At the end of each semester of the academic year, reports of doctoral students are heard according to the plan of the department in order to check and evaluate the level of implementation of the doctoral dissertation. Today, 10 doctoral students are studying at the department in the OP "8D05301-Chemistry". The research work of our doctoral students has different directions. For example, 3rd year doctoral students Gaisina B., Aripzhanova Z., 2nd year Kobegenova A., Berikbol N., Artamonov Yu. interpolymer complexes of various compositions are analyzed, they are used in medicine, ecology, biology, agriculture, including in the preparation of medicines, soil science, wastewater treatment, applications in pine cultivation and other fields. 1st-year doctoral students Nurtazina Zh. is engaged in chemical modification of the chlorella growing process, Aserzhanov D. plans to use silver nanoparticles in the synthesis and production of medicines, Abdrakhmanova A. offers new ways of obtaining lithium batteries, which are a source of current, Akimzhanova H. is engaged in the study of therapeutic mud in the region and obtaining biologically active compounds.  The scientific supervisors gave their assessments and noted that the directions of the doctoral students' research work are relevant issues today.
