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Purchase of educational equipment "Ventilation systems"

2023-01-24 | Science

Practice as an element of the educational process is carried out with the aim of consolidating and expanding the knowledge gained by students at the university; acquiring the necessary practical skills to work in the specialty in production conditions; mastering advanced methods of technology and labor.

One of the priority requirements of potential employers today is the professional competence of the employee. Professional competence is formed already in the theoretical course of classes. So, in order to comply with the continuous interaction of theory and practice, the university purchased a standard set of educational equipment "Ventilation systems".

The educational equipment is designed for laboratory work on the study of automation elements of heat and gas supply and ventilation systems, methods of regulating and controlling temperature, pressure and gas flow. Air is used as the working medium in the equipment. The training equipment allows you to set and determine the temperature, pressure and flow rate of air flowing through the pipeline installed on the stand. The air is heated by a ducted electric heater and measured using thermoelectric converters with secondary indicator devices.

On a standard set of educational equipment, future specialists of the group of educational programs "Mechanics and Metalworking" will be able to apply their theoretical knowledge in the operation of ventilation systems. The kit is necessary when conducting laboratory classes in the discipline "Industrial ventilation", "Processes and devices of food production".

We express our great gratitude to the University for the purchased equipment that provides practical training and seminar-type classes, laboratory workshops, group and individual consultations, conducting scientific research within the framework of scientific projects carried out by the department!
