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2023-03-01 | Congratulation

Today is a significant day – the birthday, anniversary of our colleague, scientist and just a wonderful man Aman Yerengalievich!

The life path of Aman Yerengalievich is the path of a purposeful person, a talented leader, highly professional, solving the most difficult tasks in all spheres of his multifaceted activity.

Aman Yerengalievich is one of those people with whom the scientific achievements of his talented students and followers are associated.

The outstanding contribution to the development of university education and science is a vivid example of dedicated and selfless service to the university, the Faculty of Engineering and Technology, as well as our Department of Technological Equipment and Mechanical Engineering!

We really appreciate your human wisdom, your kindness in dealing with people.

We wish you, dear Aman Yerengalievich, good health, new scientific achievements and many talented students!
